Septic Tank Cleaning by a trained crew, and upkeep tips for the future

Septic tanks are often constructed in areas without a municipality sewer system facility, and they can be connected to a home’s plumbing system. All waste from a home’s kitchen and toilet goes to the septic tank where the solid waste sinks to the bottom of the tank while the liquid, which is largely composed of FOG (Fats, Oils and Grease) floats to the top. A septic tank is typically made from fibreglass, concrete, or plastic. Septic tanks are designed to temporarily hold waste before the waste is finally disposed of in a subsurface disposal system or drain field. It is the area which is designed to remove a wide variety of contaminants from a septic tank’s wastewater.


Over time, sludge and scum layers build up in the septic tank that accumulates at a faster rate than what the septic tank can drain out from its outlet pipe. To ensure the proper functioning of the septic tank, it should be cleaned at fairly regular intervals. Without septic tank cleaning, it will become inefficient, and the wastewater will begin to overflow through it. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your septic tank can help you avoid costly repairs and replacements down the line. It can also help you save money on water bills by ensuring that the tank is functioning efficiently and not wasting water.


Why is regular cleaning so important?


Regular maintenance of a septic tank is important to ensure that it functions properly and doesn't cause any health or environmental issues. Here are some of the specific issues that can arise from not cleaning your septic tank regularly enough:

·         System backups: When a septic tank is not cleaned regularly, solid waste can accumulate and clog the system, causing backups in the plumbing. This can result in unpleasant odours, slow-draining fixtures, and even sewage backups in the home.

·         Contamination of soil and groundwater: If a septic tank is not properly maintained, untreated wastewater can seep into the soil and contaminate the surrounding area. This can be a serious health hazard, as untreated wastewater can contain harmful bacteria and viruses that can cause illness in humans and animals. It can also pollute groundwater, which is a critical source of drinking water for many communities.

·         Damage to the drain field: A clogged septic tank can also cause damage to the drain field, which is the area where the liquid effluent is dispersed. Over time, the solid waste build-up can cause the drain field to clog and fail, which can be costly to repair or replace.

·         Increased maintenance costs: Regular septic tank cleaning and maintenance is relatively inexpensive, but if a septic tank is neglected, it can lead to more costly repairs and replacements. It's important to note that many homeowners’ insurance policies do not cover damage caused by a poorly maintained septic system.

·         Legal liability: In some jurisdictions, homeowners are legally responsible for ensuring that their septic system is properly maintained and does not pose a risk to public health or the environment. Failure to maintain a septic tank can result in fines or legal action.


Solo Resource Recovery Septic Tank Cleaning Services


When Solo is contacted for septic tank cleaning, we will look at the sludge and scum layers while also inspecting for any leaks. If septic tank cleaning is required, we conduct a thorough cleaning, including the pump chamber, that collects effluents from the septic tank. It has an alarm float for high water, a pump control float, and a pump. The controls can be adjusted to pump a certain volume of effluent. The pump continues to function till the level of effluent is low or off-float. The operator will inspect the pump chamber, including any electrical parts. They may decide to install a pump screen or effluent filter to prevent the clogging of solids within the pipes and pump. The screen will also save you from costly repairs later on.


Waste disposal as per EPA requirements


The waste solids resulting from the treatment process are utilised as compost or discarded according to EPA requirements. You will be provided with professional advice on the proper upkeep of your septic tank, the next empty, and any other questions regarding Solo’s liquid waste, business waste, wheelie bins, industrial waste, vacuum excavation, council facility management, business recycling services, or other requirements that you may have.


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