Professional and Certified Septic Tank Cleaning and Grease Trap Cleaning Services for Households and Businesses
A septic tank collects liquid waste from toilet flushes, the kitchen, the bathroom, the floor, and other areas of a house. It traps and degrades all solid matter, converting it to sludge in the process. A septic tank allows wastewater and fluids to safely exit to underground dispersion areas known as drain fields or distribution trenches in this manner. Regular septic tank cleaning is necessary because the sludge that accumulates in it must be removed before it fills up to 30% of the septic tank's volume. Septic tank cleaning may be required every six months or every two to five years, depending on the size of the tank and the amount of waste it receives. Failure to perform septic tank cleaning at the appropriate time will result in sludge exiting the septic tank and clogging outlet pipes, which will eventually cost more to unclog or repair. Solo Resource Recovery has well-trained and experienced operators who perform all septic tank cleaning and pump-outs with professional expe...