Liquid Waste and Comprehensive Waste Disposal Services with Focus on Healthy Outcomes and Operational Efficiency

Most businesses require liquid waste disposal to dispose of a wide range of wastes, including washwaters, oils, grease, acids, chemicals, solvents, hydrocarbons, surfactants, sludge, solvents, prescribed water, coolant, drilling mud, and so on. Liquid waste disposal is one of Australia's most difficult urban and industrial sanitation challenges. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) defines liquid waste as any matter that passes through 0.45 micron filter at a pressure differential of 75 psi. Unlike solid waste, liquid waste is difficult to collect and remove from the environment. If liquid waste spreads, it can easily pollute other liquid sources. It can also pollute soil and groundwater by soaking into them. Animals and plants will suffer health consequences if they consume polluted groundwater. Because liquid waste requires specialised handling and treatment by experts, it cannot be disposed of in the general waste stream. Solo Resource Recovery's liquid waste disposal se...